Many people are surprised when I tell them half of my students are adults. I myself never expected that to be the case when I first began teaching. Now, I’m not sure how I could get through my week without seeing the people that have grown to become my good friends.
My adult set of students have always been an eclectic group. There’s the beginner, the strongly motivated and extremely driven individual who woke up one morning and decided “this year I’m going to learn the piano.” I love these types! They are unafraid and they are prepared to work.
Or, sometimes I get a call from a parent who would like to learn with their child. It brings mom/dad and child closer. Although my methods and their materials are very different, they are still able to work together towards their shared goal.
And on a few occasions I am excited to get a call from a pianist. Someone who either is advanced and needs me to help them get through a musical roadblock or the intermediate pianist who may have played for 20 years, stopped playing for another 20 and is now ready to devote their time to the piano again.
In every situation, the adult comes into the experience with a set of feelings about the instrument and a genuine hope that they will succeed, but are unsure about what lessons will be like.
The first few lessons can be intimidating, just for the simple fact that you are doing something you are unsure of in front of another person for the first time. These feelings will quickly dissipate as we begin to get to know each other and we gain a mutual respect for one another.
As the teacher, adult lessons are very rewarding for me. Even as beginners, you and I will be able to hold more complex conversations about music and the piano. These lessons will be unlike the ones tailored for a child. Yes, in some cases we will be learning elementary concepts, but always with an adult vocabulary.
If you are thinking about trying lessons, I encourage you to at least send me an email with your specific questions or concerns. You will be surprised how much of the musical vocabulary you already possess and how quickly you will begin to play.
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